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Peer Assessment

TA3 – Assessing the Student's Learning

The purpose of student assessment is to provide feedback on the teaching-learning process and the effectiveness of individual learning in relation to the set and expected learning outcomes, and to use this information to help students make the process more effective. The assessment process includes the approach, methods and tools or techniques used and the format in which assessment results are documented and the feedback is given. The choice of assessment methods and techniques should be adapted to the students’ and teachers’ needs and to the nature of the expected learning outcome. Assessment in general takes into account the educational, institutional context in which learning takes place.

  1. To plan, design and implement different assessment methods and to use adequate tools for the context and goals of learning and learners’ needs.
  2. To analyse students’ performance and provide timely and useful feedback that supports the improvement of the learning process.
  3. To regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the assessment process.
N/A 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 6 points 7 points
Not Applicable Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
N/ANot Applicable
1 pointStrongly Disagree
2 pointsDisagree
3 pointsSlightly Disagree
4 pointsNeither Agree nor Disagree
5 pointsSlightly Agree
6 pointsAgree
7 pointsStrongly Agree


Hannah Floyd

Part time assistant lecturer

University of Universe

Competence statements

1. My colleague is familiar with a wide range of relevant assessment approaches, methods, tools and formats.

My colleague is aware of different types and functions of assessment. My colleague knows the different methods and tools of assessment, such as diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, competence and skills measurement, norm-oriented assessment, criteria-oriented assessment, etc. My colleague knows the right assessment tools for different assessment purposes.

2. My colleague carries out student assessment in line with the relevant institutional policies and regulations.

My colleague uses an assessment system and grading scheme aligned with the given institutional assessment standards, rules, expected qualification and output requirements, learning outcomes.

3. My colleague aligns the assessment methods and grading schemes with the intended and well-communicated learning outcomes.

My colleague is aware that student assessment is context dependent. My colleague chooses assessment methods and techniques that must be adapted to the nature of the examined learning outcome. Additionally, students are aware what they should achieve and how it will be assessed.

4. My colleague considers different learners’ needs when devising assessment methods.

My colleague ensures that student assessment is inclusive and responsive to different learner needs. My colleague ensures that various assessment solutions are systematically offered to all students regardless of their characteristics. My colleague’s assessment practices as well as the content and format of assessments are sensitive to particular groups of students and avoid biases of any kinds of characteristics or status.

5. My colleague conducts student assessment in a fair and equal way, without bias and any kind of discrimination.

My colleague’s assessment criteria are well communicated and applied in a fair, comparable and equal way while providing various methods and opportunities.

6. My colleague uses valid and reliable tools for assessing the learners’ competences.

Reliability refers to whether an assessment instrument gives the same results each time it is used in the same setting with the same type of subjects. Reliability is a part of the assessment of validity. Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is intended to measure.

7. My colleague provides timely and relevant feedback to learners.

My colleague gives specific and timely feedback about both, what students do correctly and incorrectly, using different modes (verbal, non-verbal, or in written form) and techniques (e.g., ‘feedback sandwich’: Compliment, Correct, and Compliment). My colleague also encourages students to have self –reflection, peer-feedback and to give her/him feedback as well.

8. My colleague regularly analyses the assessment process and the results.

My colleague is capable of analysing assessment process and results, and giving feedback on how effectively education is being delivered to students. For the analysis my colleague uses different methodology (e.g., consulting students on the causes of the problems regarding the most problematic exercises, using learning analytics, etc.).

9. My colleague regularly adapts the use of assessment tools and processes to improve student’s learning.

Based on the results of the assessment analysis, my colleague adapts her/his teaching and assessment methods, the learning process and environment considering students’ needs, effectiveness of learning and achievement rate of expected learning outcomes.

Horizontal aspects


My colleague uses digital tools for making assessment:
  • more reliable and transparent,
  • more effective and
  • even more motivating for students.
In order to increase the efficiency of feedback on learning, my colleague uses the advantages of technology in assessment for e.g.:
  • simplified administration (e.g., for creating, storing, analysing and visualizing the results),
  • time and cost efficiency (automated assessment techniques),
  • more precise and differentiated feedback (personalised, immediate feedback e.g., using a task editor application) and
  • motivation (e.g., gamification).


My colleague uses assessment methodology that is appropriate for an international classroom and assesses those student competences which are needed for working in an international environment.
My colleague aligns her/his student assessment with international standards her/his field and my colleague considers students’ international mind-set and intercultural competencies in her/his assessment.

Inclusion and diversity

My colleague takes into account diversity, heterogeneity of students’ needs and carries out her/his assessments accordingly. My colleague is able to adapt her/his assessment methods and practices to the special needs of students.
My colleague’s assessment practices as well as the content and format of assessments are sensitive to particular groups of students. My colleague ensures that rich assessment opportunities are systematically offered to all students bearing in mind their characteristics. Hence, to ensure fairness in assessment, it is important to offer a range of different assessment formats and tasks (e.g., test-based, performance-tasks, oral, written). Dimensions of inclusive assessment, such as the sensitivity to cultural and linguistic aspects of assessment, are also included and developed.


My colleague uses environment-friendly assessment tools and methods, and also assesses the students’ knowledge, skills and competences on environment-related aspects of the profession (if relevant).
My colleague uses digital tools, or recycled materials for the assessment to save paper, or my colleague assesses the environment-friendly mindset in the profession if relevant.
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Tempus Public Foundation
EU flag with Erasmus+ logo

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Initiatives to support the implementation of
European Higher Education AREA (EHEA) reforms EPLUS2020

Full partners:
Bundesministerium Austria
Ministry of Educaton Youth and Sports
DZS Czech National Agency for National Education
Ministry of Science and Education Croatia
National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement
Foundation Tempus
Associated partners:
Academic Cooperation Association
Digital success programme
European Students Union
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade de Aveiro